#7 How Many People (& Who) Do You Want to Travel With?
When you take your cruise, will you want to be around a lot of people, or a more intimate experience onboard?
Will you travel by yourself, or will you travel with a friend or partner – or maybe kids and grandkids?
Your choices may determine what’s right for you.
This is a page from my guide, which I’ve summarized below.
- The largest river cruise ship has 190 people. The largest ocean >6000
- River cruisers tend to self-select (well-traveled, foodies, culture-fiends)
- River cruises attract couples (& solos) rather than families (some exceptions)
- Ocean cruises (& numbers onboard) attract a wider demographic
- River cruises tend to have fewer guests, offer better service + fresher cuisine
- Most river cruises only allow 2 passengers/cabin (rarely 3 or 4; rarely connect)
- Ocean cruises offer triple or quad rooms; suites; connecting options.
- Rivers can have more ‘forced’ socializing as dining usually for 4,6, or 8
- Oceans tend to have assigned tables for dining (unlike rivers)
- Room service is more common with oceans than river cruises.
- If you want to meet fellow travelers, river cruising may offer more opportunities
- River cruises tend to have a more international mix of passengers than oceans
- River cruises do not tend to have ocean cruises’ “sales pitches” and shopping.
Which one sounds more like you?
Download my guide here https://lushlife.lpages.co/the-beginners-guide-to-river-cruising/
Contact me
Sheila Gallant-Halloran