Ah, Antarctica. Even Anthony Bourdain has visited recently. See https://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2017/05/31/cnn-parts-unknown-antarctica-trailer.cnn
And, ah, penguins.
Ah, Antarctica. The penguins are calling your name. Can you hear them?
The 7th continent. Don’t you want to experience it?
Of course, there’s other wildlife besides penguins. Watch this video about orca whales, and become entranced.
Can’t you just picture yourself here? What a world class view. All from your expedition ship (the robe and slippers are onboard too! This shot just needs you
If this trip is for you, I have 6 questions that you should ask before selecting your travel company below.
And I have 10 reasons for you to consider traveling with Lindblad Expeditions – the best-the-best.
And for even more great news – I still have that exclusive private sale with Lindblad with 2 trips to South Georgia & Falklands on sale at 20% off for Canadian residents – until March 15, 2019 – so you can do next year! Act quickly. Give me a call..

Here are the two on sale with a Vision Travel/ Lush Life private sale. They are both 19 day journeys – one this October 22, 2018 – and – one March 6, 2018.
- Oct.22.18 19 day South Georgia & Falklands on NG Explorer https://www.expeditions.com/destinations/polar-regions/antarctica/itineraries/south-georgia-and-the-falklands/dates-rates/detail?departureId=15822
- Mar.06.19 19 day South Georgia & Falklands on NG Explorer https://www.expeditions.com/destinations/polar-regions/antarctica/itineraries/south-georgia-and-the-falklands/dates-rates/detail?departureId=15823
But if those dates don’t work, and/or you want to step on the continent itself (or maybe you’re not Canadian), no worries – there are still lots of terrific options to visit Antarctica and the Antarctic region.
Give me a call to find the right holiday option for you.