This week, I’m wishing everyone a Happy Father’s Day.
I was very lucky to have a wonderful dad. I miss him every day.
And my daughters are very lucky to have a wonderful dad. I am blessed to have him as my husband. 

Fathers have such a lasting impact on our development and life perspective, and how we view the world and our place in it.

I hope you can celebrate with the dads and/or father figures in your life.
Dads (and moms) taught us to walk upright. I watched an interview with Zita Cobb of Fogo Island Inn this week, and learned of this terrific poem. (See here .)
“The art of walking upright here
is the art of using both feet.
Ones is for holding on.
One is for letting go.
That’s what our dads taught us. That’s what we strive to do with our kids – honour the past while reaching forward to the future. And that’s what we all try to do in life.
I entered a Virtuoso travel advisor photo/ video contest this week, and took a moment to reflect on my recent visit to Fogo Island Inn. Give it a watch.
In honour of dads,let’s consider the art of using both feet. Let’s hold on to the past, and reach out to the future.
Sheila Gallant-Halloran