

Every summer, I travel home to Newfoundland. The visits have changed now that my mom has passed away, but I’m fortunate that I can still visit my brother and sister-in-law in their gorgeous location in Curling, and soak in their hospitality to get my fix of home.

Besides catching up with family and friends, and breathing in the clean salt air, we also drive around the bay. Which generally means a visit to Benoits Cove, Frenchman’s cove, Lark Harbour, York Harbour, and Bottle Cove.


If you haven’t visited Newfoundland yet, you really have to go. The scenery, music, food, and people are the absolute best – if I do say so myself. Thanks to Don and Carolyn for continuing to welcome us home.

And let me know if I can help you get to Newfoundland for your own visit.