"Quality is Remembered, Long after Price is Forgotten"

I came across this blog post http://rtumasonyte.blogspot.ca/2012/07/aldo-gucci-says.html with the words of Aldo Gucci.

One can’t argue much with the sentiment.

I’ve read the fuller quote by Gucci as well.

The Bitterness of Poor Quality is Remembered 
Long After the Sweetness of Low Price 
has Faded from Memory.”
Gucci might not have been a travel advisor, but he knew a thing or two about quality.
So, when the thought crosses your mind that you should book that “great deal” of a holiday you saw on the internet, please don’t!  Call me instead!
Just remember that I have resources, experience, and access to information that you do not.
And please remember the words of Aldo Gucci:  the bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low price has faded from memory.
You only get to live each vacation once. Do it up right. Contact me!
Sheila Gallant-Halloran