Happy Sunday! Happy Father’s Day!
This weekend, I’m in Orlando – my husband’s (and my entire family’s) happy place (especially now that Magic Kingdom serves alcohol!). We’re making the most of our time together – walking, talking, riding attractions! It’s the perfect little holiday for my family of four.
That’s one of the reasons I travel. To get away from our routines and stresses, and spend time together.
Why do you travel?
I was honoured that my client, Anne Toal, was recently profiled by Virtuoso Life about why she travels. (Virtuoso Life is an award-winning magazine. If you’re not already receiving a copy, and would like to, lemme know.)
Here’s a snippet: – Natural wonders and great golf greens keep Anne Toal and Paul Brisson on the go.
After a canceled flight on their honeymoon in Greece 32 years ago, Anne Toal and Paul Brisson of Ontario, Canada, were stranded in Corfu and missed boarding their cruise in Athens. They scrambled to change plans and meet up with it in Crete. Their ship eventually came in, Anne explains, but it reinforced with these practical- minded travelers – they both spent their careers as actuaries – the need to avert misadventure by planning with an experienced and reputable travel advisor. Both now 61 and retired, they explore prodigiously, with nary a hiccup, thanks to Ottawa-based Virtuoso advisor Sheila Gallant-Halloran.
It appeared in the May 2018 paper edition, but you can see the digital version here. https://www.virtuoso.com/articles/Virtuoso-Life/Virtuoso-Life-May-2018/why-i-travel#.WyZfjadKjIV
Here’s a picture taken by Anne that she shared with Virtuoso.

So tell me – why do you travel?
Best regards,