Inspiration from "Our Deepest Fear"

 “Our Deepest Fear”
It’s a week for poetry, it seems.
I attended my host company’s annual “Power of Vision” conference this week. Simon Keith gave a great keynote. His speech focused on “dare to live.” He was a world-class soccer player who required a heart transplat in his early 20’s. He changed his life, and now is a champion for organ transplant.See
He shared a poem that was inspirational – called “Our Deepest Fear,” by Marianne Williamson.

What are you doing to shine?
I had some ups this week. I was pleased to have won this award at the Power of VIsion in Montebello, and be a top sales performer and @virtuosoltd #active #travel specialist #visiontravel #adventure. I love curating my clients’ travel dreams. #10000hourstomastery #Expertise
And what a nice surprise to see my picture pop up on Friday’s Virtuoso, Specialists in the Art of Travel Active & Specialty Travel (VAST) quarterly call, and to then to be congratulated for recent sales with VAST partners. I was also thrilled to accept an invitation to be an advisor member of the VAST Task Force. Thank you Helen E NodlandCece Drummond, and Trisha Foresman for the honour. I love my VAST partners.
I hope you shine this week, too!
And if I can use my sheen to help brighten your vacation plans, lemme know. 🙂
Call me to arrange your next holiday.
Sheila Gallant-Halloran