I just received the most wonderful of emails from a client. She’d just returned from a trip to London with…
I’ve just booked a client’s vacation at the Auberge du Soleil in Napa, California. What a beautiful hotel! http://www.aubergedusoleil.com/ I’ve checked into…
Danny Starr of @iWatchLife invited me to guest blog. See his blog (link below) for the article. How to protect your investment…
Town Square Theatre in Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World, will be the new permanent home of Mickey Mouse. Those familiar…
It’s guest blog Monday, and today my Vision 2000 colleague, Terry Larke, is writing about her upcoming tour of Malaysia. …
It’s a pretty easy drive from Ottawa to Montreal. Depending which end of Ottawa you’re in (and traffic), you can…
I was reading some travel tips for #traveltuesday on twitter, when I saw this from @MyMelange Travel Tip Tuesday : How…
If you punch “the answer to life, the universe and everything” into Google, you’ll get the answer 42! I sat…
It’s guest blog Monday, and today we’re in for a treat. My clients Christine Lanthier and Sue Irvine have…
For my business networking breakfast this morning, I was asked to speak to “why use a travel advisor”…. a topic…