I came across this blog post http://rtumasonyte.blogspot.ca/2012/07/aldo-gucci-says.html with the words of Aldo Gucci. One can’t argue much with the sentiment. I’ve read…
According to a recent study http://www.marketwired.com/press-release/Rising-Canadian-Vacation-Deprivation-Condition-Leading-Vacation-Envy-Expediaca-856167.htm Canadians are facing rising rates of vacation deprivation. 29% are not taking all of their holidays.…
I love Newfoundland. Besides it being my home province (I just happen to sleep and pay taxes in Ottawa), the…
There is a lot of interest in Canada’s north these days. Adventure travel is on the rise. Vision 2000 has…
Ever want to go to the Galapagos? Ever want a bucket list trip with a bucket list company like Lindblad…
There was some exciting news from an annual conference I attended with my host agency on October 25th in Toronto.…
At a recent Vision 2000 conference, I had the opportunity to interview Dale Pusching of the Anguilla Tourism Board, as…
On October 28th, my colleagues Pat Rochon, Janet Lavern, Denise Gushue and I hosted a travel talk on “walking and…
I recently sat down with Jo Lynch of Viking River Cruises and asked her about what’s happening at Viking River…
On Oct.18.13, my colleague, Maureen Hutchinson, and I hosted Travel 42 on our twitter chat. Travel 42 is a terrific…