Why Expedition Cruising

I had wonderful reactions to my #WhyRiverCruising posts and sharing of my expertise, so I thought I’d do a more condensed series about expedition cruising.


Follow me for the next 15 days to share my experiences and insights into #WhyExpeditionCruising

Set sail for adventure! ⛴ 🏞 ⛰

I’m continuing the series with a post today for 15 days on social media (facebook, instagram, or linked in), about why you should consider taking an expedition cruise.

You can play catch up. #WhyExpeditionCruising


Follow me (and feel free to invite me to connect) on and see the posts:

Linked In https://www.linkedin.com/in/sheilagallanthalloran

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Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sheila_lushlife/


Here are the first 4 days below.

Day 1 of 15 #Why Expedition Cruising


Expedition cruising typically refers to a type of travel that involves exploring remote or less accessible regions of the world, often with a focus on adventure, nature, and wildlife. Unlike traditional cruising which often involves larger ships and visits to popular ports of call, expedition cruises are usually undertaken on smaller vessels designed to navigate in more challenging environments such as polar regions, remote islands, or wilderness areas.

These cruises often offer passengers the opportunity to engage in activities like wildlife spotting, hiking, kayaking, snorkeling, and visiting remote communities. Expert guides and naturalists are often on board to provide educational experiences and enhance passengers’ understanding of the destinations visited.

Expedition cruising offers a more immersive and adventurous way to explore the world’s most remote and pristine areas, providing travelers with unique and unforgettable experiences.

Follow along to learn more. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sheilagallanthalloran_whyexpeditioncruising-asksheila-expeditioncruising-activity-7200226918359547905-pGsV

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Day 2 of 15 #WhyExpeditionCruising

I think it’s safe to say there would be no developed expedition cruising industry were it not for Sven-Olaf Lindblad.

Sven-Olof Lindblad, a true pioneer in adventure travel, has dedicated his life to exploring the world’s most remote regions and promoting environmental conservation. With a rich background in wildlife photography and documentary filmmaking, Lindblad took the first tourists to Antarctica in 1966, and then went on to found Lindblad Expeditions in 1979, offering marine-focused expeditions aboard small ships.

By forging a strategic alliance with National Geographic in 2004, Lindblad Expeditions has set the standard for environmentally sensitive expedition travel. Through his unwavering commitment to conservation, Lindblad has garnered international recognition and numerous awards for his contributions to sustainable tourism.

Lindblad’s impact extends beyond the travel industry as he serves on the boards of multiple conservation organizations and is a founding Ocean Elder of Ocean Elders, advocating for the protection of the ocean’s habitat and wildlife. His photography, featured in prestigious publications like Smithsonian and National Geographic, showcases the beauty and importance of our planet’s natural wonders.

A true champion of the environment and global exploration, Sven-Olof Lindblad’s legacy continues to inspire and educate future generations about the importance of preserving our natural resources.

It’s my honour to have met him at @virtuosoltd at a Travel Week, and to work with he and his team Lesa Bain (pictured here with Sven and I), as well as Jacinta McEvoy, Rachel Woodward, and Cara Matthew.

Lindblad is the best of the best for #expeditioncruising.

Let me know if you’d like to learn more about #expedition #cruising


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Day 3 of 15 #WhyExpeditionCruising

The #Arctic and the #Antarctic are popular destinations for #expedition #cruising

Arctic means the“land of bears” (derived from astronomy or the Greek word), whereas Antarctica is the opposite (and has no bears).

The Arctic and Antarctica are both polar regions with distinct characteristics, with some common aspects.

Location and Geography:
The Arctic is situated in the Northern Hemisphere, encompassing the Arctic Ocean surrounded by landmasses like Greenland, Canada, Russia, and Scandinavia. Conversely, Antarctica lies in the Southern Hemisphere as a continent surrounded by the Southern Ocean. The Arctic is characterized by an ice-covered ocean interspersed with islands and coastal regions, while Antarctica is a massive ice-covered landmass with towering ice shelves and mountain ranges.

Both regions exhibit polar desert environments with minimal vegetation. The Arctic supports a slightly more diverse flora, including mosses, lichens, and shrubs due to its larger land area, while Antarctica’s vegetation is limited to mosses and algae along its coastal areas.

The Arctic is home to iconic species like polar bears, seals, walruses, Arctic foxes, and various migratory birds. In contrast, Antarctica boasts penguins, seals, seabirds, and krill, forming the base of the marine food chain.

Average Temperatures:
Despite their frigid climates, there’s a significant difference in average temperatures. The Arctic experiences milder temperatures due to its proximity to inhabited landmasses, with averages from -10°C to 0°C . In contrast, Antarctica, being more isolated and elevated, endures much colder temperatures, averaging -10°C to -30°C annually.

Countries and Ownership:
The Arctic is governed by the Arctic Council, comprising 8 member countries with Arctic territories. Antarctica, however, is governed by the Antarctic Treaty System, with no single country owning it. Instead, it is designated as a scientific preserve, collectively managed by signatory nations.

Wanna visit one or both?


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Day 4 of 15 #WhyExpeditionCruising

Embarking on a polar expedition to the 7th Continent is a rare achievement for few. Crossing the iconic Antarctic Circle marks a milestone that most only dream of.

For many, the highlight of the 14-day itinerary Crossing the Circle: Southern Expedition is navigating south of 66°33′ S. Passengers are treated daily to breathtaking views of ice formations, humpback whales, leopard seals, playful penguins, and majestic petrels above the crackling sea.

Denise, my client, embarked on this unforgettable journey with Quark Expeditions. She described it as the trip of a lifetime. Thank you, Denise, for sharing this amazing photo.


Follow me as I post each day with the hashtag. #WhyExpeditionCruising


Follow me (and feel free to invite me to connect) on and see the posts:

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#AskSheila [email protected]